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Welcome to the show notes for the Episode 59 of the OT Schoolhouse Podcast.
In episode 59 of the OT Schoolhouse Podcast, I'm sharing with you the who, what, when, where, why & how of screenings in the school-based OT setting. Whether you are a brand new OT or a seasoned School-Based OT, the likelihood that you are using screenings and the subsequent opportunities to their full potential are unlikely simply because it is not something we are trained in. I hope this podcast can inspire you to move forward with supporting more students than just those who are on an IEP. So please listen to learn how.
Links to Show References:
Sheryl Eckberg Zylstra, Beth Pfeiffer; Effectiveness of a Handwriting Intervention With At-Risk Kindergarteners. Am J Occup Ther 2016;70(3):7003220020.
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