OT Schoolhouse Podcast Professional Development
Earn continuing education by listening to The OT Schoolhouse Podcast!
First, select and
listen to an episode
Then, purchase and
pass the quiz
Receive your
certificate of completion
Start by listening to & purchasing the corresponding episode opportunity
Podcast or "Podclass"
If you already listened to the podcast episodes, you can now get a certificate of completion for your professional development needs in as little as 5 minutes!
The OT Schoolhouse Podcast is 100% free to listen to and you pay only IF you need the professional development units associated with the course. Don't need the PDU's? Then feel free to listen for free. The professional development opportunity will still be here if and when you need those extra NBCOT units.
To earn professional development for your NBCOT renewal via the OT Schoolhouse Podcast, simply listen to the episode, order the professional development opportunity you wish to complete, and take a short quiz demonstrating you understood the content from the episode.
The quizzes are 10 questions long and when you pass, we will send you your certificate of completion. Simple as that! No expensive fees! No traveling! And no nights away from your family (and students) in a hotel.
"I absolutely love this podcast and that I am able to earn PD/CEUs by doing what I already do all the time..... listen to podcasts!!"
-Laura Wills, OTR/L
"I found your podcast today and was so happy to find it! I love podcasts and listen to many different podcasts on my 50 min commute to work. I've been thinking for a while about wanting to learn about my job on my drive, but other OT podcasts I've tried were not great. I'm really impressed with your podcast! It's informative, yet not boring.
I've been an OT for 4 1/2 years and worked at my job- an ABA private school for 4 years in July. (I also used to work PRN at a community hospital.) A lot of the content of your podcast is exactly what I want/need! Thank you for making your podcast!"
-Sarah Szymanski Horn, OTR/L
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the OT Schoolhouse Podcast an AOTA approved provider of continuing education?
We are an AOTA approved provider of continuing education, but the Podcast Professional Development Courses have not been individually approved. This is in the works, however.
Will NBCOT accept these units to meet my recertification needs?
Yes! You can read for yourself the NBCOT guidelines for what constitutes a qualified professional development course using the link below.
Click here to see what counts toward NBCOT renewal (See # 14, The OT Schoolhouse constitutes as a "Third-party entity")
Will my state licensure board accept this as professional development?
This depends on your state. While NBCOT guidelines are clear that they will accept this form of professional development, every state has its own set of guidelines.
We are an AOTA approved provider of continuing education, but the Podcast Professional Development Courses have not been individually approved.
Click here to see what counts toward NBCOT renewal (See # 14)
Click here to see what your state's OT board requires
Are podcasts as effective as attending a course?
Short Answer: Yes
Recent statistics have shown that nearly than 50% of the US population is now listening to podcasts. And we know from our podcast stats that over 3000 OTs, COTAs, Teachers, and other professionals are looking to enhance their abilities to help students by listening to each episode of the OTSH podcast.
From our surveys, a majority of our customers say that our professional development podcast courses are as effective as live courses. Everyone learns slightly different, but when you enjoy the experience you are likely to get the most benefit!
Can I earn Professional Development for every Episode?
Not every episode will have an opportunity for professional development to be earned. And that is because not every episode meets our standards for what we think qualifies as professional development. Episodes with special guests sharing research and episodes where we put the effort into research materials for you to use with your students and peers are the ones that are likely to make the cut.
But don't worry, we'll let you know which ones will be available to earn units for at the beginning of each episode from here on out.
So when you're driving home, listening at the gym, or listening by the pool, know now that what you are listening to can save you time because you have the ability to earn your necessary professional development while engaging in your everyday occupations.
Will the OT Schoolhouse Podcast continue to be free?
Yes, you will still be able to access each and every episode for free where ever you listen now. Only pay when you want to demonstrate that you have listened to the podcast in order to earn professional development units. The last thing we would want to do is take away education for all.
I don't see the episode I want to earn professional development for.
We're sorry, not every podcast qualifies for professional development and we review each podcast on a yearly basis to ensure the course is relevant and up to date. If you don't see the episode you are looking for, there may be a newer episode covering the same topic available or coming soon. Want to request an episode on a specific topic? Let us know in an email!