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Welcome to the show notes for Episode 14 of the OT Schoolhouse Podcast.
In this episode, Jayson interviews Jason Gonzales of DoubleTimeDocs.com (Affiliate link for your convenience) about some of the Laws, regulations and state guidelines that help OTs understand what should be in (or omitted from) our reports. Also discussed is when you should use standardized assessments, how to choose what assessment to use, and how to decrease the amount of time it takes to complete an OT evaluation report.
Get your free 7-day trial to DTD and use promo code FALL18 for 20% off your order for a limited time. (Now Available for PTs as well)
Links to Show References:
Want to see the unedited webinar including all of the weird hand gestures we make? Watch the full webinar complete with live feedback and Q&A, HERE!
The NY Times Article:
Sharp Rise in Occupational Therapy Cases at New York’s Schools by Elizabeth A Harris who covers Education at The New York Times. This 2015 article documents the dramatic increase of students receiving occupational services in New York and Chicago.
Find your State Guidelines:
We have compiled all of the OT and OT/PT State Guidelines on one easy clickable map for you! Check it out here to find your state's guidelines.
Be sure to subscribe to the OT School House email list & get access to our free downloads of Gray-Space paper and the Occupational Profile for school-based OTs.
Have any questions or comments about the podcast? Email Jayson at Jayson@otschoolhouse.com
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