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Professional development & more to kick off the 2025-26 school year.

August 23 -24, 2025

Attend live-online or watch on-demand

Two days of live & recorded courses

Internationally recognized speakers with a passion for SBOT

12 hours of CEUs specific to SBOT 

Conference Theme

OT for One, OT for All

In six sessions, we'll address how our ability to support students makes us the perfect providers to support individuals, groups, & entire classrooms







Why OTPs love the
B2S Conference

"This is the 1st conference that provided 100% relevant topics for every presentation.

This conference is worth every cent."

- Bev Carrasco, school-based OT -

Secure your registration today!


Your B2S Registration Includes

Access to all SIX online
B2S Conference Sessions

Replay access to all sessions until November 30, 2025

Access to the supportive
B2S Community

Opportunities to win one of many OT Giveaways

BONUS: Register by May 31st to receive an SBOT Swag Pack mailed to your door! (USA Only)

Use code OTMONTH to save $100

Conference Schedule

Times listed in the Pacific Time Zone

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The OT Schoolhouse is proud to be an AOTA-Approved Provider of Professional Development

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Each session of the Back to School Conference is currently in the AOTA approval process for CEUs.

Presenters & Sessions

Jayson Davies


Jayson Headshot Square

Topic coming soon!

More Speakers Announced Soon

Speaking at Seminar

Five more topics coming soon!

Register now to secure the lowest conference attendance rate!

School Supplies


Participants registered for the Conference by May 31, 2025, with a USA mailing address will receive a Back to School "Swag Pack."


To ensure quality, all swag packs will be delivered after the conference. 


*Must register with a valid US mailing address. 

Great Value!

This conference is designed for you as a school-based OT and every session has been researched, vetted, and hand-selected by Jayson to be relevant for school-based OT practitioners looking to support students in the least restrictive environment.


Each presenter has over a decade of experience and demonstrates the ethical decision-making you expect from the OT Schoolhouse!


On top of a curated schedule of sessions, you will have the opportunity to earn 12 hours of professional development in just one weekend!

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Working from Home_edited_edited.png

"I love this conference."

"I love this conference. I think all school-based therapists should attend because all the information is relevant to our daily practice. Every lesson has big takeaways.


It is worth every dollar!"​


- Audrey White, OTR/L - 

Previous B2S Conference Attendee


Your B2S Registration Includes

Access to all SIX online
B2S Conference Sessions

Replay access to all sessions until November 30, 2025

Access to the supportive
B2S Community

Opportunities to win one of many OT Giveaways

BONUS: Register by May 31st to receive an SBOT Swag Pack mailed to your door! (USA Only)

Use code OTMONTH to save $100

Session Information

Six highly relevant sessions to be announced soon!

At the Back to School Conference, you can expect every session to be 100% relevant and applicable to school-based OT practitioners (OTs + OTAs)

Check out some of our
past speakers below!

Past Sessions & Speakers

The Intersection Between Sensory, Trauma, and Neurology
Dr. Varleisha Lyons
Providing Sensory Supports Across All Educational Settings: From Least to Most Restrictive
Dr. Danielle Delorenzo, MS, OTR/L, RYT-200
My Bui-Lewis, MS, OTR/L, AT, RYT-200

ADL + IADL = A Big Deal
Deborah Schwind, DHSc, OTR/L, BCP, SCSS, FAOTA

School Sensory Rooms: A Guide for Teachers and Therapists
Adam Griffin, OTR
AKA @Adam_the_OT

Trying Differently: ADHD Informed Classroom Support and Strategies
Lori Flynn, MS, OTR/L

Using AOTA EBP and Knowledge Translation Resources in the School Systems
Susan Cahill, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

Re-Framing Behavior:
How Understanding Felt Safety, Regulation, and a Child’s Sensory Needs Can Help OTs Move Educators From “Managing” Behavior to Improving It

Greg Santucci, MS, OTR

Harnessing our Strengths:
How Occupational Therapy Improves Post-school Outcomes for Youth with Disabilities

Theresa Carlson Carroll, OTD, OTR/L, CLA

And More!

Register now to ensure access to all 6 growth-focused sessions!

Conference Objectives

Coming Soon!


Conference & individual session objectives will be made available soon!

"What a great conference"

"What a great conference on expanding our collaborative practices in our school settings with all of our teams. I will definitely be using all of the tools, and strategies learned here with my students, teams, and schools!


Thank you to Jayson and all of the incredible speakers who presented and for their time, talents, and expertise!"


- Previous B2S Conference Attendee -

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Audience & Education Level

The OT Schoolhouse Back To School Conference is intended for current school-based occupational therapy practitioners.


The conference consists of introductory and intermediate-level courses. No prerequisite courses are required, but one should have a general understanding of OT in the schools.

Elementary Classroom

2025 Conference Theme

OT for One, OT for ALL

At this year's Back to School Conference, we're highlighting the role of Occupational Therapy in enhancing learning for both individuals and groups.


Since 1976, OT practitioners have leaned heavily on individual services. But in today's world of education, we must be able to support individuals, groups, and entire classroom populations through the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework.


By collaborating with educators, we can create an inclusive environment that addresses the diverse needs of students both on and off our caseload. 


Get practical insights on effective handwriting techniques and early screening methods that help identify student needs. Together, we can provide targeted support that empowers every learner to thrive.


Join us in creating an educational environment where all students succeed! This conference is your opportunity to discover strategies that make a lasting impact.

Distance Learning

Session Handouts & Replays

For each session, handouts will be made available to download and print prior to the start of the conference.


Participants will be able to download and print the slide and supplemental materials in the conference Portal one week before the conference. 


Replays of each session will be available for four months. As a registered conference attendee, you will have access to the conference handouts, session video replays, and course community until November 30, 2025.

Community Engagement

Couple at an Event

What's a conference without the networking and sharing of ideas? 


In addition to lively, interactive presentations, there will be designated times for live Q+A sessions with the presenters.


Likewise, we will have an online space dedicated to discussions related to the content of our guest speakers. You'll also have the opportunity to engage with other like-minded OTPs.

Join me and hundreds of other School-Based OTPs advancing our clinical skills

This conference is designed for you as a school-based OT practitioner.


Every speaker and presentation has been researched, vetted, and hand-selected to be relevant to the school-based OT practitioner who wants to help diverse learners access the least restrictive environment.


Each presenter has years of experience and has demonstrated the ethical decision-making you'd expect from the OT Schoolhouse!


At the OT Schoolhouse, we understand the intricacies of school-based OT and know the therapists and topics you want to learn more about. 


Register now to secure your spot!

Back to School

Important Dates

April 30

OT Month Pricing Ends

Secure the best registration price AND lock in your swag pack

May 31

Last day to secure your OT Swag

May 31st is the last day to register and get a swag pack mailed to your door!

Aug 23

Conference Kick Off!

Join us live in the Back to School Conference community to learn and grow together!

NOV 30

Replays Available Until November 30

Get access to the replays until November 30.

That is a full 3 months to watch (or rewatch) all six sessions.

Conference Attendee Disclaimer/Agreement


By registering for or attending any event or activity associated with the OT Schoolhouse: Back To School Conference, I agree to the following:


Professional Development/Information Disclaimer

The Back to School Conference is a virtual event for professional development, networking, and OT Schoolhouse business purposes. The material presented is not intended to represent the only or the best methods appropriate for the occupational therapy and/or medical condition or professional development issues being discussed but rather is intended to present the opinions of the presenters, which may be helpful to other health care professionals at arriving at their own conclusions and consequent application. In order to earn a certificate of completion for each session, attendees will be required to watch speaker-led sessions and pass a proficiency quiz for each session with a score of 75% or greater.


Financial and Non-financial Disclaimers

  • Jayson Davies owns Schoolhouse Education, LLC, the parent company of the OT Schoolhouse.

  • Speakers at the Back to School Conference are paid for their professional presentation.​

  • Speakers may discuss other programs with which they are affiliated and earn a commission and/or other compensation.

  • Speakers may be affiliates for the Back to School Conference and may earn a commission when learners register for the Back to School Conference. 


Public Relations Agreement

Registration and attendance at, or participation in, Back To School Conference meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant for Schoolhouse Education, LLC’s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee’s image, voice, and survey responses in photographs, videotapes, electronic/print reproductions, and audiotapes of such events and activities.


Waiver of Liability Agreement

I release the Back to School Conference, Schoolhouse Education, LLC, OT School House, and its staff, presenters, and any other individuals or entities associated with the Back To School Conference from any and all liability connected with my participation, as well as from any liability related to changes to the schedule, events or activities. I acknowledge and agree that I am participating on my own choice and assume all risk in connection thereof and that in the event that a need for emergency medical service arises, I authorize and consent to such services being provided at my own expense. Attendees participating in this professional development education program do so with full knowledge that they waive any claim they may have against the Back to School Conference, Schoolhouse Education, LLC, and OT Schoolhouse and its staff or representatives for reliance on any information presented during these educational activities.


Refund Policy

If Schoolhouse Education, LLC receives notice of cancellation before the start of the conference, a refund, less $50 per person administrative fee, will be issued. Refunds will not be processed until after the conference. Request a refund.


Cancelation Policy

In the event that Schoolhouse Education, LLC cancels the event for any reason, participants will be offered the choice of a full refund or, when applicable, a credit toward the rescheduled event. 


Purchase Order & Group Registration

Schoolhouse Education, LLC welcomes Purchase Orders (POs) and Group orders for the Back to School Conference. You may submit a purchase order here. A W-9 can also be found on the purchase order submission page. 



Interested in Sponsoring the Back To School Conference? Email us!

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