First of all, I want to thank all of you who have already subscribed and downloaded our 9-page Gray-Space Packet.

It means the world to us knowing that you are willing to try it out with your kids. If it helps even just one of your kids learn to space and place letters correctly on the line, then it was worth the time and effort on our part.
If you have not yet received your digital download you, you can click HERE to subscribe and get your own copy to use with your students.
Now, I'd like to take a few moments to share with you why we created it and share some of the features that make it worth using.
While working with our students, we often found ourselves using's "Stop & Go Writing Paper" for kids who required help spacing and Abilitations Integrations "Hi-Write" paper for kids who required assistance with the sizing and placing of their letters on a line.
We have since witnessed several students succeed with one type of paper and both teachers and parents have requested more for their students.
Over the past year, we had been selling this paper solely at and have received great reviews and, more importantly, thank yous from parents and teachers alike. But now, we want to make sure everyone has access to it.
"Great RTI resource!"
4/4 star review on
-Gingerly loving second grade
Looking through the previews above, you can see that the Gray-Space Paper is designed to grow your students as their writing develops. As a student progresses, we hope to see them require less space to write in and fewer visual prompts to help space and size their letters and words.
I hope you will find this paper helps your students to focus more on what they are writing as opposed to how they are writing it.
If they require a bit more visual cues, stickers can be a great way to help students who still do not understand cognitively or spatially the process of leaving space between words.
You can see other ways we use stickers here!
So to wrap this up, Abby & I would like to once again thank you for stopping by the OT School House and subscribing to receive our Gray-Space adapted paper.
We can't wait to hear back from you! So please, leave us some feedback below and let us know how your students are responding to this free download.
If you really like our paper and think others would benefit from hearing about it, we'd love it if you could click on your favorite social media icon below and share us!
Until next time,